The Leanne Armand Travel Award 2025

The Australasian Quaternary Association is now calling for applications for the 2025 Leanne Armand Travel Award.

The award was established in honour of the Late Professor Leanne Armand (Feb 1968-Jan 2022), much-loved former ANZIC Director and Professor of Micropalaeontology at the Australian National University. Leanne was a world leader on marine diatoms which she successfully used to reconstruct the waxing and waning of sea ice in the Southern Ocean. She was passionate about training up the next generation of scientists and was an advocate for diversity and inclusion.  

Funds were donated towards this award by family members, colleagues and friends of Leanne to help train up the next generation of microfossil experts. 

What’s on offer

The award consists of a travel stipend to the maximum of A$3,000 and is offered at most once a year to a single candidate seeking to learn microfossil identification/taxonomy as well as ecology from Australian or overseas expert(s).

Eligibility and how to apply

Postgraduate students and early- to mid-career researchers based in Australia are encouraged to apply for the award, which is administered by the Australasian Quaternary Association (AQUA).

Applicants must provide:

  1. A document up to three pages containing
    • a brief research biography including details of their current research project
    • the benefits of the travel grant for their research
    • details of the opportunity (e.g. workshop) or expert(s) willing to host the applicant, and 
    • a budget listing anticipated expenses.
  2. A letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor.
  3. Confirmation by the applicant’s institution that travel insurance will be provided by that institution.
  4. A letter of acceptance by the expert offering assistance and the proposed timing and duration of the visit.

Upon completion of the award, the applicant is to submit a report to be published in the AQUA newsletter. 

Up to three official members of the AQUA committee, as well as at least two members of the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences will oversee the applications 

Applications are to be submitted to the current AQUA President A/Prof Tim Barrows by 27 September 2025.

More details here.

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